
當(dāng)前位置:首頁(yè)   >    產(chǎn)品中心   >       >    海綿壓縮*變形試驗(yàn)機(jī)   >   HMYSzui精準(zhǔn)的海綿變形試驗(yàn)儀,海綿壓縮試驗(yàn)儀 產(chǎn)品展示


型 號(hào)HMYS




產(chǎn)品描述:本機(jī)主要依據(jù)ISO1856方法A(ASTM D3574—D JIS K6400-7)設(shè)計(jì),用夾具將海綿壓陷至原始厚度的50%,放置將溫度調(diào)70的恒溫箱內(nèi),待至22個(gè)小時(shí)之后從中取出壓縮器,將試樣從壓縮器中取出放置30min后,測(cè)量厚度,計(jì)算其變形量



海綿壓縮*變形試驗(yàn)機(jī) 型號(hào):HMYS  用途:海綿壓縮 :海綿泡沫,海綿壓縮*變形




   本機(jī)主要依據(jù)ISO1856方法A(ASTM D3574—D JIS K6400-7)設(shè)計(jì),用夾具將海綿壓陷至原始厚度的50%,放置將溫度調(diào)70的恒溫箱內(nèi),待至22個(gè)小時(shí)之后從中取出壓縮器,將試樣從壓縮器中取出放置30min后,測(cè)量厚度,計(jì)算其變形量                                  


海綿壓縮*變形試驗(yàn)機(jī)試樣要求:                  50mmX50mmX25mm                              

在測(cè)試薄型試樣時(shí),應(yīng)使用玻璃板,其厚度為 1-1.5 mm,邊長(zhǎng)為 50^55 mm,"                                  

恒溫箱控制溫度:       準(zhǔn)確到土10℃                                 

恒溫箱工作電壓:       220V     

 海綿泡沫切割機(jī) HMQG-100


                            以信譽(yù)  營(yíng)客戶     以質(zhì)量  鑄市場(chǎng)    以技術(shù)  保精準(zhǔn)   以售后 造未來(lái)


                         北京北廣精儀儀器設(shè)備有限公司    www.beiguangjy.com


Sponge foam compression tester, sponge deformation tester, heat distortion test instrument of sponge, sponge compression tester
Sponge compression testing machine model: HMYS uses: sponge compression: sponge foam, sponge compression permanent deformation
Sponge compression testing machine - refers to the initial sample thickness and in a specified time, specified temperature under compression, subject to the provisions of the recovery time of the sample final thickness difference. Differences in the size and initial thickness.
Sponge compression testing machine features:
The initial sample thickness and in a specified time, specified temperature under compression, subject to the provisions of the recovery time of the sample final thickness difference. Differences in the size and initial thickness.
Sponge compression testing machine is mainly use:
This machine is mainly based on the ISO1856 method A ( ASTM D3574 - D JIS K6400-7 ) design, fixture sponge indentation to the original thickness of 50%, placing 70 in the constant temperature box temperature adjustment, till 22 hours out of the compressor, the specimen from the compressor out after 30min placement, thickness measurement, calculation of its deformation amount
Sponge compression testing machine parameters:
Sponge compression testing machine specimen requirements: 50mmX50mmX25mm
In the test of thin specimen, should use the glass plate, the thickness of 1-1.5 mm, 50^55 mm side length, "
Thermostat control temperature: 10 ℃accuracy to soil
Constant temperature box working voltage: 220V
Canton company other sponge foam for detection equipment:
Sponge foam indentation hardness tester -HMYX-2000
Sponge foam tensile strength tester -HMLS-1000
Sponge foam constant-load pounding tester -HMPL-2000
Sponge foam ball rebound tester -HMLQ-500
Sponge foam compression tester -HMYS-200
Sponge foam cutting machine HMQG-100
Canton company for products in strict accordance with the national standard production, strict manufacturing process to ensure that every factory equipment quality and performance excellence, quality service, quality and cheap.
To the credibility to the quality of casting market main customers with technical and customer service to create the future.
Professional, technical precision, Gao Kua,
Beijing North Canton precision instrument equipment limited www.beiguangjy.com


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