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型 號hmlq-500





海綿泡沫塑料落球回彈試驗機-(液晶顯示)制造標準:(GB/T6670-2008 ISO8307 ASTM D3574 ISO8307)軟質(zhì)泡沫聚合材料落球法回彈性能的測定


  1.  海綿泡沫塑料落球回彈測試儀
  3. 產(chǎn)品名稱:海綿泡沫落球回彈試驗儀     :海綿泡沫落球回彈,海綿泡沫回彈率測試儀 用途:海綿泡沫回彈率檢測
  4. 產(chǎn)品型號:HMLQ-500顯示方式:液晶顯示

海綿泡沫塑料落球回彈試驗機-(液晶顯示)制造標準:(GB/T6670-2008 ISO8307 ASTM D3574 ISO8307)軟質(zhì)泡沫聚合材料落球法回彈性能的測定

  2. 海綿泡沫塑料落球回彈試驗機-(液晶顯示)適用范圍及功能:
  3. 適用于測定軟質(zhì)聚氨酯泡沫塑料的落球式回彈性能.
  4. 海綿泡沫塑料落球回彈測試儀通過標準規(guī)定直徑和質(zhì)量的鋼球在規(guī)定高度上自由落在海綿泡沫塑料試樣上,自動計算鋼球回彈的zui大高度與鋼球落下高度比值的百分率(既回彈率),以回彈率表示泡沫塑料的回彈性能。
  5. 海綿泡沫塑料落球回彈測試儀采用微處理器進行控制,液晶屏顯示中文操作,具有使用操作方便,性能可靠,測量精度高等特點,并可打印試驗數(shù)據(jù)。
  6. 海綿泡沫塑料落球回彈測試儀-(液晶顯示)技術(shù)參數(shù):
  7.  1、鋼球回落高度:    460mm(國標) 
  8.                                  500mm(美標)
  9.  2、鋼球直徑:       ¢16mm
  10.  3、落球回彈率精度: <1%
  11.  4、被測試樣尺寸:    長*寬*高=100 mm×100 mm×100(50)mm
  12.    5、自動計算平均回彈高度
  13.    6、自動計算平均回彈率
  14. 主要配置:
  15.  1、試驗主機一臺
  16.    2、智能液晶控制操作系統(tǒng)一臺
  17. 3、海綿/泡沫塑料落球回彈試驗機-(液晶顯示)鋼球釋放機構(gòu)兩套(手動釋放機構(gòu)1套、自動釋放機構(gòu)1套)
  18.    4、鋼球捕捉機構(gòu)一套
  19.    5、高度調(diào)節(jié)機構(gòu)一組
  20.    6、精密光電傳感器一套
  21.    7、鋼球4個
  22.    8、微型打印機一臺
  23.    9、水平校準機構(gòu)一組
  24. 北廣公司其他海綿泡沫檢測儀器:
  25.  海綿泡沫壓陷硬度測定儀-HMYX-2000
  26.  海綿泡沫拉伸強度測定儀-HMLS-1000
  27.  海綿泡沫定載沖擊測定儀-HMPL-2000
  28.  海綿泡沫落球回彈測定儀-HMLQ-500
  29.  海綿泡沫壓縮*變形測定儀-HMYS-200
  30.  海綿泡沫切割機 HMQG-100
  36.                          北京北廣精儀儀器設(shè)備有限公司    www.beiguangjy.com
  38. Sponge foam ball rebound tester
  39. Product Name: sponge foam ball rebound tester: sponge foam ball rebound, foam sponge rebound rate tester uses: foam sponge rebound rate detection
  40. Product type: HMLQ-500 display: LCD
  41. Sponge foam ball rebound test machine - ( liquid crystal display ) manufacturing standards: ( GB/T6670-2008 ISO8307 ASTM D3574 ISO8307 ) flexible cellular polymeric materials - Determination of resilience by falling ball method
  42. Sponge foam ball rebound test machine - ( liquid crystal display ) application and function:
  43. Applicable to the determination of soft polyurethane foam ball rebound performance.
  44. Sponge foam ball rebound tester through standard diameter and quality of steel ball in terms of height of free falling in the sponge foam sample, automatic calculation of steel ball rebound with a maximum height of ball falling height ratio percentage ( both resilience, resilience rate ) to show the resilience foam.
  45. Sponge foam ball rebound tester adopts the microprocessor control, LCD display Chinese operation, has convenient operation, reliable performance, high measure precision, and can print test data.
  46. Sponge foam ball rebound tester - ( liquid crystal display ) technology parameters:
  47. In 1, ball drop height: 460mm ( GB)
  48. 500mm ( American Standard )
  49. In 2, ball diameter: 16mm e
  50. In 3, ball rebound rate accuracy: <1%
  51. In 4, the test sample size: length * width * height =100 mm × 100 mm × 100 ( 50) mm
  52. 5, automatic calculation of the average rebound height
  53. 6, automatic calculation of average rebound rate
  54. Main configuration:
  55. 1, test a host
  56. In 2, the inligent liquid crystal control operating system a
  57. 3, sponge / foam ball rebound test machine - ( liquid crystal display ) ball release two (manual release mechanism 1 sets, 1 sets of automatic release mechanism )
  58. In 4, a steel ball catching mechanism
  59. In 5, a height adjusting mechanism of a group
  60. In 6, a set of precision photoelectric sensor
  61. In 7, the steel ball 4
  62. In 8, a miniature printer
  63. In 9, a group of horizontal alignment mechanism
  64. Canton company other sponge foam for detection equipment:
  65. Sponge foam indentation hardness tester -HMYX-2000
  66. Sponge foam tensile strength tester -HMLS-1000
  67. Sponge foam constant-load pounding tester -HMPL-2000
  68. Sponge foam ball rebound tester -HMLQ-500
  69. Sponge foam compression tester -HMYS-200
  70. Sponge foam cutting machine HMQG-100
  71. Canton company for products in strict accordance with the national standard production, strict manufacturing process to ensure that every factory equipment quality and performance excellence, quality service, quality and cheap.
  72. To the credibility to the quality of casting market main customers with technical and customer service to create the future.
  73. Professional, technical precision, Gao Kua,
  74. Beijing North Canton precision instrument equipment limited www.beiguangjy.com


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